Kurina offers a unique method of waste disposal, harnessing its plasma reactor to ensure efficient and sustainable processing of waste to ash
Kurina’s 4-step process
1. Waste is inserted into Kurina
Domestic waste is placed in Kurina, and is able to process waste of up to 70% moisture level.
2. Trash is processed into waste
Upon ignition of the plasma in the plasma reactor, Oxygen and Hydrogen in the combustion chamber enables heat to be generated and maintained uniformly
Solenoid magnetic fields boosts heat transfer allowing waste to be broken down into ashes and syngas.
3. Filtration process for gas
Cooling and cleaning of the gas takes place during the filtration process.
Gas cooling ensures unwanted side reactions such as the production of dioxins.
Gas cleaning removes undesired chemicals and particles harmful to human and the environment.
4. By-product of Kurina
The residue discharged is ash. These ashes can then be turned into feed components for fertilisers and construction materials.
What makes Kurina different from other waste management solutions?

Kurina offers a new approach to waste management by advocating a “zero landfill” agenda.
Ending land-filling practices has numerous potential benefits
Lower operating costs
Kurina offers lower operating costs compared to conventional waste management disposal methods by allowing for waste to be managed closer to source, meaning reduced transport, logistics, and collection costs.
Allows for efficient land usage
Landfills take up a considerable amount of land. Apart from that, landfills and dumpsites have a short life expectancy, and new new areas will eventually have to be administered taking up land space for other developments.
Lower capital expenditure costs
Landfills and incinerators require significant upfront capital expenditure. Kurina on the other hand offers significant cost savings compared to conventional waste disposal methods - offering greater value for money in a compact package.
Decentralised operations
Under conventional SWM solutions, waste disposal is done at end of value chain. Decentralised operations allows for significant reduction in costs due to lower transportation and logistics costs.
New revenue generation opportunities
Kurina unlocks new revenue generation opportunities. Ashes that are a by-product of waste processing can be turned into fertiliser.
Reduced impact to the environment
Conventional waste disposal methods has significant negative impacts on the environment in the form of land, air, and water pollution. Kurina however has been independently tested and is proven to filter out impurities in the process.
Scalable implementation
Kurina offers scalable options and flexible deployment options, with disposal now able to be decentralised, and managed closer to source. Municipals can now have the choice to deploy as many units along the value chain.